The Loveliest Collective
Mondays at 9:30am
|Online Networking Event
Get on the waitlist for our Networking Group! MORE INFO TO COME! - Meet like-minded women - Learn new skills - Listen to experts talk about Instagram, reel, email marketing, and SEO's - Weekly chat on zooms and 5 people break out session

Time & Location
Mondays at 9:30am
Online Networking Event
About the Event
Have you ever said to yourself "I know my people are out there, but where are they? I can't find them?!
I'm now ________
- working from home
- a business owner
- a new graduate
-Â a mom
- a mom that homeschools my kids
and I so desire these relationships of like-minded women!
If so, I see you!
If you are in the thick of it and raising kids, working 2 jobs, finishing school, running your own business from home, or working every day at your brick and mortar there is no time to CONNECT! I wanted to create a space where we could connect and learn from each other on one platform.
Let's be honest, community is hard to find as an entrepreneur. If you are at your brick-and-mortar or behind your computer all day the desire to meet people is there but the time isn't!
We all want a space to feel welcome, loved, heard, seen, and supported! Well, you found it! This is a place to find like-minded women, cheer each other on, learn new tricks and tips, and show up for your NEW BESTIES!
It's TRUE! We're better together!  I know you’ve heard that FOREVER! But have you ever sat with a new entrepreneur friend over coffee and left feeling like you were on a HIGH? Yes? Because they GOT YOU and now you have so many new ideas and directions to go with your business! That’s what I’m talking about! We get you! We are here for you!
I need advice but I don’t know who to ask: This was SO ME for the first 10 years in business. Literally, NO ONE wanted to answer any questions, it was as if they did they would be out of business themselves! Not here! ASK AWAY!
I don’t have 1000s of dollars to spend! Girl, I hear you! We don't all have the income to pay for courses on how to use Instagram, reels, email marketing, SEO.... You're in luck! Our lovely guest speakers teach us all the above and more! Let me give you the tools you need for success and stay within your budget!